Xreading VL is an online, virtual library with hundreds of graded readers supported by an easy-to-use learner management system. The system has been developed to make graded readers more accessible for students and extensive reading programs easier for teachers to manage and assess. Because Xreading is a virtual library, students have unlimited access to all of the graded readers, anywhere, anytime. Books are never checked out or unavailable. Students can search for and read books using their pc or mobile device. Their search is assisted by book ratings as well as recommendations based on their preferences. In addition, audio is now available for almost every book, so students can listen while they read.
Xreading VL has a simple-to-use learner management system (LMS) that allows teachers to monitor and assess their students' reading. The LMS not only lets teachers know which books their students are reading, but also how many words they’ve read and their reading speed. In addition, teachers can restrict the library, guiding students to the most appropriate books. Upcoming features will allow teachers to create goals, and have their students, or even their classes, compete with each other to increase motivation.
In the Xreading Library there are currently over 1200 graded readers from twenty ELT publishers, Macmillan Language House, National Geographic-Cengage Learning, Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages, ELI, Compass Publishing, e-future, and Atama-ii. We are currently negotiating with more publishers, so that number will increase throughout the year.
Note: Xreading is now available WORLDWIDE, however book availability may vary by country.
Xreading VL offers a variety of features that make it ideal for any extensive reading program.

This table shows the Xreading Levels and the number of books available at each level.
Level (Headwords) |
Books | Series/Level/Titles | |||
1 (51-100) |
123 | Cengage Foundations: Level 1 & 2 Collins Peapod Readers |
ELI Young Readers Stage 1 Sunshine Books: Levels 1 to 7 |
Waochi Picture Books |
2 (101-200) |
132 | Cengage Page Turners: Level 1 Cengage Foundations: Level 3 & 4 |
e-future Classic Readers: Level 0 ELI Young Readers Stage 2 |
MPI Building Blocks: Level 4 Sunshine Books: Levels 8 to 14 |
3 (201-300) |
148 | Atama-ii: Level 1 Cengage Foundations: Levels 5-6 Cengage Page Turners: Level 2 Cambridge Readers: Starter |
e-future Classic Readers: Level 1 ELI Young Readers: Stage 3 Foxton Starter: Level ILTS Robin Readers: Level 1 |
Macmillan Readers: Level 1 MPI Building Blocks: Level 5 Sunshine Books: Levels 9 to 15 |
4 (301-400) |
154 | Cambridge Readers: Level 1 Cengage Foundations: Level 7 Cengage Page Turners: Level 3 ELI Young Readers Stage 4 |
e-future Classic Readers: Level 2 Foxton: Level 1 Garnet Oracle Readers: Level 1 Grass Roots Photostories 1 |
Halico Pocket Readers: Level 1 Helbling Readers: Level 1 MPI Building Blocks: Level 6 |
5 (401-600) |
214 | Cengage Page Turners: Levels 4 Compass Young Learner Classic: 1 Compass Young Learner Classic: 2 Macmillan Readers: Level 2 |
ELI Teen & YA Readers Stage 1 e-future Classic Readers: Level 3 Foxton: Level 2 Garnet Oracle Readers: Level 2 |
Halico Pocket Readers 1 Helbling Readers: Level 2 ILTS Robin Readers: Level 2 MPI Building Blocks: Level 7 and 8 |
6 (601-800) |
175 | Cambridge Readers: Level 2 Nat Geo Footprints: Level 1 Cengage Page Turners: Level 5 Collins Amazing People: Level 1 |
e-future Classic Readers: Level 4 ELI Teen & YA Readers: Stage 2 ILTS Robin Readers: Level 3 I Talk You - Talk: Level 1 |
MPI Building Blocks: Level Level 9 Seed Future Job Readers: Level 1 Seed World History Readers: Level 1 Xreading News |
7 (801-1000) |
113 | Nat Geo Footprints: Level 2 Cengage Page Turners: Level 6 Collins Amazing People: Level 2 Foxton: Level 3 |
Compass Young Learner Classic: 3&4 ELI Teen & YA Readers: Stage 3 e-future Classic Readers: Level 5 Garnet Oracle Readers: Level 3 |
Global Narrative Readers 1 Helbling Readers: Level 3 Seed Future Job Readers: Level 2 Seed World History Readers: Level 2 |
8 (1001-1250) |
112 | Cengage Page Turners: Level 7 Collins Amazing People: Level 3 Garnet Oracle Readers: Level 4 |
ILTS Robin Readers: Level 4 I Talk - You Talk: Level 2 Macmillan Readers: Level 3 |
Prolingua – Hopes and Dreams Seed Future Job Readers: Level 3 Seed World History Readers: Level 3 |
9 (1251-1500) |
174 | Cambridge Readers: Level 3 Nat Geo Footprints: Level 3 Cengage Page Turners: Level 8 Compass Young Learner Classics: 5 |
e-future Classic Readers: Level 6 e-future Classic Readers: Level 7 Foxton: Level 4 Helbling Readers: Level 4 |
ILTS Robin Readers: Level 5 Macmillan Readers: Level 4 Seed Future Job Readers: Level 4 Seed World History Readers: Level 4 |
Upper Intermediate
10 (1501-1800) |
142 | Nat Geo Footprints: Level 4 Cengage Page Turners: Level 9 Collins Amazing People: Level 4 ELI Young Adult Readers: Stage 4 |
e-future Classic Readers: Level 8 Foxton: Level 5 Helbling Readers: Level 5 ILTS Robin Readers: Level 6 |
I Talk - You Talk: Level 3 Macmillan Readers: Level 5 Seed Future Job Readers: Level 5 Wayzgoose Press |
11 (1801-2100) |
97 | Cambridge Readers: Level 4 Cengage Page Turners: Level 10 |
Nat Geo Footprints 1900: Level e-future Classic Readers: Level 9 |
Compass Young Learner Classics 6 Seed World History Readers: Level 5 |
12 (2101-2400) |
66 | Cengage Page Turners: Level 11 Nat Geo Footprints: Level 5 |
e-future Classic Readers: Level 10 Foxton: Level 6 |
Academic World List Readers Macmillan Readers: Level 6 |
13 (2401-3000) |
61 | Cambridge Readers: Level 5 Nat Geo Footprints: Levels 6 & 7 |
Cengage Page Turners: Level 12 e-future Classic Readers: Level 11 |
ELI Young Adult Readers: Level 5 Seed World History Readers: Level 6 |
14 (3001-3600) |
22 | Cambridge Readers: Level 6 | I Talk - You Talk: Level 4 | Mid Frequency Readers |
Level | Books | Series/Level/Titles | ||
S | 29 | Foundations Level 1 (6) Foundations Level 2 (6) Foundations Level 3 (6) |
ELI Young Readers Stage 1 (6) ELI Young Readers Stage 2 (5) |
1 | 39 | FoundationsLevel 4 (6) Foundations Level 5 (6) Oxford Starter (14) |
Page Turners Level1 (3) MacMillan Level 1 (10) |
2 | 52 | Foundations Level 6 (6) Foundations Level 7 (6) Page Turners Level 2 (3) |
ELI Young Readers Stage3 (5) Macmillan Level 2 (32) |
3 | 26 | Cambridge Starter (11) Page TurnersLevel 3 (5) |
Helbling Level 1 (10) | |
4 | 64 | Oxford Stage 1 (20) Cambridge Level 1 (12) Page TurnersLevels 4 (4) Page Turners Level 5 (3) |
Helbling Level 2 (13) ELI Young Readers Stage4 (7) ELI Teen Readers Stage1 (3) ELI Young Adult Readers Stage1 (2) |
5 | 55 | Oxford Stage 2 (22) Cambridge Level 2 (14) Page Turners Level 6 (3) |
Helbling Level 3 (10) ELI Teen Readers Stage2 (4) ELI Young Adult Readers Stage2 (2) |
6 | 71 | Oxford Stage 3 (8) Cambridge Level 3 (15) Page Turners Level 7 (2) Page Turners Level 8 (3) |
Macmillan Level 3 (20) ELI Teen Readers Stage3 (4) ELI Young Adult Readers Stage3 (4) Helbling Level 4 (15) |
7 | 57 | Oxford Stage 4 (6) Cambridge Level 4 (14) Macmillan Level 4 (20) |
HelblingLevel 5 (10) Page Turners Level 9 (3) Page Turners Level 10 (4) |
8 | 43 | Macmillan Level 5 (22) Oxford Stage 5 (1) Cambridge Level 5 (13) |
Page Turners Level 11 (3) ELI Young Adult Readers Stage4 (4) |
9 | 31 | Macmillan Level 6 (13) Oxford Stage 6 (2) Cambridge Level 6 (11) |
Page Turners Level 12 (3) ELI Young Adult Readers Level 5 (2) |
The table shows how Xreading levels compare to other levels systems and standardized exam scores. In some cases, the conversions are very rough estimates.
Xreading Level | Headwords | ERF Level | M-Reader | CEFR | YL | TOEFL | TOEFL IBT | TOEIC | IELTS |
1 | 51-100 | Early Beginner | Starter | Pre A1 | 0.4-0.5 | 0-310 | 0-8 | 0.250 | 0-1 |
2 | 101-200 | Mid Beginner | 1 | Pre A1 | 0.6-0.7 | 0-310 | 0-8 | 0-250 | 0-1 |
3 | 201-300 | High Beginner | 2 | PreA1/A1 | 0.8-0.9 | 310-342 | 9-18 | 0-250 | 1-1.5 |
4 | 301-400 | Early Elementary | 3 | A1 | 1.0-1.1 | 347-393 | 19-29 | 255-400 | 2-2.5 |
5 | 401-600 | Mid Elementary | 4 | A1 | 1.2-1.4 | 347-393 | 19-29 | 255-400 | 2-2.5 |
6 | 601-800 | High Elementary | 5 | A1/A2 | 1.6-1.8 | 347-393 | 19-29 | 255-400 | 2-2.5 |
7 | 801-1000 | Early Intermediate | 6 | A2 | 1.9-2.2 | 397-433 | 30-40 | 255-400 | 3-3.5 |
8 | 1001-1250 | Mid Intermediate | 7 | A2 | 2.3-3.0 | 397-433 | 30-40 | 255-400 | 3-3.5 |
9 | 1251-1500 | High Intermediate | 7 | A2/B1 | 3.1-3.7 | 437-473 | 41-52 | 405-600 | 4 |
10 | 1501-1800 | Early Upper Intermediate | 7 | B1 | 3.8-4.5 | 477-510 | 53-64 | 405-600 | 4.5-5 |
11 | 1801-2100 | Mid Upper Intermediate | 8 | B1/B2 | 4.6-5.2 | 513-547 | 65-78 | 605-780 | 5.5-6 |
12 | 2101-2400 | High Upper Intermediate | 8 | B2 | 5.3-6.0 | 550-587 | 79-85 | 605-780 | 6.5-7 |
13 | 2401-3000 | Early Advanced | 8 | B2/C1 | 6.1-6.8 | 590-637 | 96-110 | 785-900 | 7.5-8 |
14 | 3001-3600 | Mid Advanced | 9 | C1 | 6.8-7.5 | 590-637 | 69-110 | 785-900 | 7.5-8 |
15 | 36100+ | High Advanced | 9 | C2 | 7.5+ | 640-677 | 11-120 | 905-990 | 8.5-9 |
Series | No. of Titles |
* Xreading News | 44 |
Abax - Global Issue Narratives | 9 |
Atama-ii | 11 |
AWL Readers - My Mysterious Friend Sora | 10 |
Cambridge - English Readers | 79 |
Cambridge - Experience Readers | 28 |
Cengage - French | 42 |
Cengage-NGL - China Showcase Library | 19 |
Cengage-NGL - Footprint Reading Library | 100 |
Cengage-NGL - Foundations Reading Library | 42 |
Cengage-NGL - Page Turners | 50 |
Collins - Amazing People | 15 |
Compass - Classic Readers | 60 |
Compass - Young Learner Classic Readers | 60 |
e-future - Classic Readers | 180 |
e-future - Comic Readers | 42 |
ELI | 72 |
Foxton Readers | 50 |
Garnet - Oracle Readers | 16 |
Grass Roots - Biographies | 48 |
Grass Roots - Good Reads | 17 |
Grass Roots - Photostories | 46 |
HALICO | 71 |
Helbling | 51 |
I Talk - You Talk Press | 102 |
ILTS - Robin Readers | 65 |
Independent Authors | 16 |
Macmillan Readers | 113 |
Mid-frequency Readers | 42 |
MPI - Building Blocks Library | 40 |
Pomaka | 11 |
Prolingua - Hopes and Dreams | 12 |
Seed - Future Job Readers | 20 |
Seed - World History Readers | 60 |
Standfor - Graded Readers | 25 |
Standfor - Young Readers | 35 |
Student Writers | 5 |
Sunshine Books | 172 |
Tung Hua - Viewpoints Reading Library | 8 |
WAO Corporation | 19 |
Wayzgoose Press | 29 |
Links is the world’s first four-skills communication textbook with an extensive reading component. It provides a winning combination of interesting topics, engaging language learning activities, and comprehensible input. It is approximately CEFR B1, with other levels coming soon.
To see detailed information about Links and a sample chapter, click here.
Links can be purchased independently or bundled with a 1-year subscription to Xreading to save money.
For teachers in Japan, below is all the information you should need for ordering Links:
Information about the book:
Links with Xreading Subscription: 978-1-960121-00-4 (1-Year Subscription) (¥4400 +tax) (a savings of ¥500)
Links with Xreading Subscription: 978-1-960121-31-8 (6-Month Subscription) (¥3500 +tax) (a savings of ¥400)
Links WITHOUT Xreading Subscription: 978-1-960121-21-9 (¥2400 +tax)
Authors: Justin Harris and Paul Leeming
Publisher: XLearning Systems
Ordering details:
Distributor: XLearning Systems
Address: 3-35-16-501 Nakatsu, Kita-Ku, Osaka ₸531-0071
Email: contact@xreading.com

Paul Goldberg has an M.S. in Secondary Education, an M.A. in TESOL, and completed the coursework (ABD) for an Ed.D in TESOL. He has taught English as a foreign language in Venezuela, Spain, Korea, the US, and most recently at Kwansei Gakuin University in Japan. Paul founded Xreading because of his desire to make graded readers more accessible for students, and extensive reading programs easier for teachers to manage.
Contact: paul@xreading.com

Thomas Robb, Ph.D. is Professor Emeritus, Kyoto Sangyo University. He is the creator of the MReader online quiz application, an invaluable resource for Extensive Reading programs around the world with over 100,000 registered users.

Rob Waring is a Professor at Notre Dame Seishin University. He is co-author of the Foundations series, series editor of Page Turners and Footprint series all by Heinle Cengage, and editor of the new Kid's Classic Reader by Seed Learning.

Willy is a Principal Lecturer at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He has given more than 100 invited presentations at international conferences in many different countries.

Charles is a Professor at Meiji Gakuin University. With a doctoral degree in TESOL, his areas of expertise include online language learning, vocabulary acquisition, extensive reading, and secondary English language education in Japan.

Thom teaches at Nagasaki International University in Sasebo, Nagasaki. His background is in Computer Science and Information Technology. His main area of research is technology-based learning, online curriculum design and delivery, and online tools for EFL learners.
Dear Teacher or School Administrator,
Thank you for coming to the instructor registration page of Xreading VL.
If you are interested in creating a new Xreading account for yourself or your institution, for security purposes, we ask that you contact us directly so we can create your account. Please send an e-mail to us at contact@xreading.com with the following information:
1. Your given and family names
2. The name of your institution
3. The name of your department or program
4. The country and prefecture/state/province/emirate/etc. where your institution is located
5. Approximately how many classes you expect to use the system with
6. Approximately how many students you expect to have use the system
7. How you heard about Xreading
As soon as we receive this information, we will create your free instructor account and send you a User ID (your e-mail address) and password. Xreading is now available WORLDWIDE, however book availability may vary by country.
Paul Goldberg – Founder & President
A monthly subscription costs USD $6.00 or the approximate equivalent in local currency (JPY 600, KRW 7000, EUR 5.00, etc.) per student. However, discounts of up to 80% are available depending on the country, institution size, and length of the subscriptions. For more information, please contact us at info@xreading.com